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Krista Carson (University of Gloucestershire)



            soon, soon       I will open those feeble racks
    hang each limp lady       to dry                             my braless morning act

while my eyes adjust to blinding bright                             circadian, sweet
                        soon soon
            lullaby wind               that dulcet, time-honoured sound of alchemy
& the glorious, auspicious sun
                will do my bidding               will scorch the hurries and hostilities of yesterday
                                    & offer up the mourning dove hum of today
        an incantation
                whispering words of stone-sturdy promise
                                                  however burnt it all may get
                              soon I will honour some pact in my bones
          a holy cartography on how to live
a tacit nudge
            to tend the gentle vowels of my days
                        the textiles of my beloveds, of my life
                                    to heed the message in the shriveled pocket of s l o w, old linen
ask my grandmothers   and theirs                     about this limbic ritual of stiff towels
              soon I can see if my maudlin stain             is any match for the sun
                        when the competition           is on its 4th round
                                    the palimpsest spot       is faded to imperceptible
                soon I will avert my gaze and declare the victor
soon the days will be long enough for all this
                                                                                but then summer is only a blip
                        and anyway       I can’t wait
                                                                    so—at least for now—these garments       and I       will drip
& sublimate
                                    like the plush mist        of ice     vapourizing             from shirts
                                                                            my distress       and shell pink sheets
                                                                                    in view of my brood
                                                                                                          my grief my rage my doom
                                                                                    and yes, my apathy
                                                                                                expressed as laundry, domesticity
                                                                      revelling in          the suburbanite        darling dull
                                    of freeze-dried clothes



Krista Carson is a PhD student at the University of Gloucestershire. She writes creative nonfiction, fiction, and poetry, often exploring nature/culture themes through a feminist lens. Krista teaches post-secondary and lives in southwestern Ontario with her husband, daughter, and whippet.

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