Sapphic Old Woman
Em Strang (Glasgow University, Scotland)
You must be a century if you’re a day,
talc motes in your hair like fairy dust. Spellbound
I watch you forage your purse for coins, pay for
Britain’s Wild Flowers.
Your coat’s as big as a mountain and blood red.
Hands with veins like roots, made tea through two world wars
of which I know dates, names, remembrance poppies,
petals like tissue.
Em Strang was born in England and educated at Edinburgh University where she studied modern languages. She has lived in Scotland for the past 15 years, latterly in Dumfries and Galloway. She has published a handful of poems in literary magazines and is now studying an MPhil in ecopoetry at Glasgow University’s Dumfries campus. She is married with two children and lives in an intentional community.