Karen Lockney (Lancaster University, United Kingdom)
I lie with the afternoon sun,
watch a yacht cut straight along the view.
We’re as far west as roads will take us,
adrift from everyday places,
(towns where tides don’t matter,
and clouds go by unnoticed).
Today I breathe it all in:
thrift blooming against darkened rocks;
scattered islands suggesting a future;
tomorrow’s weather marking time
beyond the horizon.
But I can’t see all of me.
I peer in rock pools
and out through the clean smell of sea.
I forgot to bring a bit of me,
the part that knows where we’re going.
I have no idea what will happen.
Karen Lockney is in the latter stages of a PhD at Lancaster University, UK, under the supervision of Paul Farley. Her poems look at nationality, identity and often explore contemporary rural contexts. She am also a senior lecturer at the University of Cumbria. She lives in the Eden Valley in Cumbria, which, for the UK, is a fairly remote location.