Tuesday in Plimmerton
Amy Leigh Wicks (Victoria University of Wellington)
All night I watered the garden
with my tears, and this morning
rain. The crumpet toasted
with butter and raspberry jam
did not help. The coffee
did not help. If I could be
closer to the moon I might melt
into a crater and wake the clay.
There was a little life in the wind before
the storm passed. I used to live
in a shining dirty city and if I close
my eyes, I’ll remember it wrong.
Time for porridge, time for a walk,
time to wash dishes. Finally I talk
to the finch, who is eating from my neighbour’s
garden, while I fold laundry
one piece at a time, looking straight
past my face in the window.
Amy Leigh Wicks is an American poet from New York City. Some of her recent work can be found in Turbine, Ika 3 Journal, and NYSAI Literary Magazine. She lives with her husband in New Zealand and is a PhD candidate at Victoria University of Wellington.