Water’s Flow
Lucy Marinelli (Macquarie University, Australia)
The docks of Napoli
Chilled winds surround me
Relics of my teen father
Ghost boat sets sail
Floats on misty breeze — echoes
Like the deep hole of his grave
On the tannin waters of the River Murray
With each stroke we glide
On calm secretive waters
Spirit’s eerie spot
Aged four she plays on the bank
Her dad drowns in murky depths
Ocean’s gilded glow
Waves crash reflecting
Each star tossing shimmered light
Beams dance like ideas
Swooning with delirium
Awakened from depths below
Lucy’s an Australian, Bali-based writer of fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry with degrees in creative writing and research.. She’s currently polishing three books for publication and has a poetry cycle (or three) in the works. Lucy coaches writers, helping them to write their novel or nonfiction book, improve their writing skills and find their flow (no more writers’ block).