Dina Husseini (Bournemouth University, UK)
Just because I know where I’m going
Doesn’t mean I want to go
The travel alone will make me sick
The power lift of ticking snow
Only the morning through the night
Leaves an endearing painful fright
Unnerving throughout my journey
Playful towards the destination of never gone
But will always be remembered when I’m not there
I don’t want to go
But I have to
Dina Husseini is a Cypriot/ Lebanese creative professional with a passion for storytelling. She has experience in consultancy (specialized in advisory services), theatre, and making films. Dina wrote, directed, and produced a play called ‘The God’s Phone.’ She used to be the Chief Editor for a business magazine called People & Performance. Right now, she’s studying Creative Writing and Publishing at Bournemouth University. She also hosts a show “The Majestic Unicorn” on Nerve Radio, where she interviews authors, gives book recommendations and hosts giveaways. Dina is already making waves in the world with a passion for writing across different POVs. You can find her Instagram or YouTube.